Hospitality & Leisure
Weihai Point Golf & Resort
대지 위치
중국 위해시
대지 면적
980,000 ㎡
호텔 & 리조트
B1F ~ 4F
건축 면적
19,818 ㎡
30,678 ㎡
설계 연도
2007 ~ 2008
준공 연도
2008 ~ 2009
The ‘Weihai Point Hotel & Golf Resort’ located in China’s Shandong Province, lies approximately 698 km north of Shanghai consists of a club house (B1F~2F), 53-room hotel and 28 villas (3 bedrooms). The clubhouse lobby and facilities were planned to be shared with the hotel, and the two restaurants were designed conceptualized for hotel users and golfers alongside other sauna and various convenient facilities.
The peninsula view featuring long and peculiar rock walls to the north is maximized offering various visual and special experiences from the surrounding ocean on all three sides. Weihai was planned as a landmark resembling a lighthouse which brightens its surroundings as a pivot of light in the distant view at night. The project also attempted to restore the mountain’s flow and topography which was ruined by previous ill-conceived developments, keeping in harmony with nature’s beauty. Conversely, the golf course attempts to offer various visual experiences realizing the unique rearrangement of buildings through the many translations of the land form.
The view axis of the main buildings (clubhouse and hotel) were set on the line from the northern end of the peninsula to the two ridges in order to secure a view from any location from the mountains through to the course.
The clubhouse which is a common space and major circular traffic point was placed at the center while the hotel rooms face the ocean for maximum privacy, offering different visual experiences with the open ocean to the east and ocean with a night view of the city afar to the west. The hotel’s form is simple, repetitive and linear, juxtaposing the organic curves and inclines of the clubhouse for visual deception. The clubhouse blends in with the existing land form, taking on a symbolic meaning of the grounds, but at the same time not overpowering to its surroundings. The ocean view was secured in common spaces by placing a transparent perpendicular course at the point where two buildings separate, creating an organic connected form between buildings.
To simultaneously fulfill functions as both the main facilities and public spaces of the clubhouse and hotel, the main lobby of the clubhouse is shared while a lounge, business center and fitness center are planned as the hotel’s supplementary functions. The main lobby of the clubhouse is also designed so as to seem sublimated in a perpendicular direction slanting upwards towards the end of the peninsula, seemingly bringing in nature—the golf course, ocean and sky—inside.
Lastly, the villas laid out along the shore considered the three different characteristics of the land—the ocean, hill and cliff—and located within the golf course, the meddling and harmony with the course was very important. Also, being close to the shore, the ocean experience through the course gives a feeling as if it was floating on the ocean.
The villas are divided into 3 zones depending on their location. The A zone features four beach villas surrounded by strange rock walls to provide a cozy ambience and experience, and the eight villas of the B zone located at the top of the cliff use a cantilever structure towards the ocean offering a dynamic space. All villas have an expansive view and are laid out according to the land form, thus minimizing any damage to nature. Situated on a low level mound of the C zone, 16 villas form a villa complex to prevent the view of the buildings being blocked upon entering. As such, parts of the buildings are associated to secure a view in between.
‘Weihai Point Hotel and Golf Resort’ of China’s Shandong Peninsula offering a golf course, clubhouse, hotel, villa, and various facilities with a view of the ocean and all adapted well to nature, focuses on providing different angles and views of nature which change at each location and in each season.
중국 상하이에서 북쪽으로 약 698km 떨어진 산동성에 위치한 ‘웨이하이 포인트 호텔 엔 골프 리조트’는 지하 1층, 지상 2층 규모의 클럽하우스와 53실 규모의 호텔, 28채의 단독형 빌라(3 bed rooms)로 구성되어 있다. 클럽하우스의 로비 및 부대시설은 호텔과 공동으로 사용되도록 계획하였으며, 2개의 레스토랑은 호텔 이용자와 골퍼들을 위한 식당으로 이용자의 특성에 맞는 컨셉으로 디자인 되었으며, 사우나 시설과 그 외 다양한 편의시설들이 갖추어져 있다.
북쪽으로 길게 뻗은 아름다운 암벽들로 이뤄진 peninsula의 자연 경관을 존중하고 조망을 극대화 하며, 삼면으로 접한 바다로부터 다양한 시각적, 공간적 경험을 부여하며, 야간에는 원경으로부터의 빛의 구심점으로, 근경에서는 주변을 비추는 등대와 같은 웨이하이의 landmark로 조성하고자 했다. 또한, 기존의 난개발로 훼손된 산의 흐름과 지형을 복원하고 아름다운 자연과 조화를 이루고자 하였으며, 골프 코스에서 느껴지는 다양한 시각적 경험을 지형의 해석을 통해 건물의 배치와 조화를 이루고자 하였다.
Main building인 클럽하우스와 호텔은 조망을 확보하기 위해 view의 축을 peninsula의 북쪽 끝, 바다와 육지가 접하는 해안선으로 설정하였고, 대지내의 2개의 융선(ridge)을 잇는 축 선 상에 배치하여, 바다와 코스를 어디서든 조망이 가능하도록 계획하였다.